Created by one of the most recognized teachers in the world of "Extreme Voices", Nicolás Hormazábal (NYVC Vocal Distortion Specialist) in collaboration with New York Vocal Coaching presents one of the most cutting-edge courses on Rasp & Distortion, serving Voice Teachers who want to learn in depth about the practice and teaching of Vocal Distortions.
In the NYVC Vocal Distortion Teacher Training (VDTT) you will learn the science and art behind the world of Vocal Distortions, discuss myths about their execution and their practical uses, develop your auditory skills and the ability to recognize each type of distortion, and learn concepts of voice physiology in order to train your students effectively. Additionally, VDTT will have a teaching section where you and your classmates will teach and be students, receiving immediate feedback. The techniques you will learn and the experience you will gain in the Distortion Teacher Training will be transformative in your career as a Voice Technician.
The NYVC Distortion Teacher Training methods and content are supported by the results of the most recent research in the field of Vocal Distortions and are ever-evolving as science and knowledge of the voice advances. VDTT is a unique course bringing new definitions and training that are not found elsewhere.
Additionally, once completing the VDTT, course alumni will have the opportunity to participate in a class Forum where updates and content are released and teachers can converse and collaborate.
Creado por uno de los más reconocidos profesores en el mundo de las “Voces Etremas”, Nicolás Hormazábal (Especialista de Distorsiones Vocales NYVC) en colaboración de New York Vocal Coaching presentan uno de los cursos más vanguardistas acerca de Rasp & Distorsión, para profesores de canto que quieran aprender más en profundidad sobre la práctica y enseñanza de Distorsiones Vocales.
En el curso Distortion Teacher Training (DTT) aprenderás la ciencia y arte tras el mundo de las Distorsiones Vocales, debatiendo los mitos acerca de su ejecución y usos prácticos, desarrollarás habilidades auditivas para reconocer cada tipo de distorsión y aprenderás conceptos de la fisiología de la Voz en favor de un entrenamiento más efectivo para tus alumnos. Adicionalmente, DTT contará con una sección de Enseñanza, en la cual tu y tus compañeros enseñarán y serán profesores, obteniendo feedback inmediato. Las técnicas que aprenderás y la experiencia que ganarás en DTT transformará tu carrera como profesional de la Voz
Los contenidos del curso Distortion Teacher Training de NYVC están respaldados por los resultados de las investigaciones más recientes en el campo de las Distorsiones Vocales y están en constante actualización debido a los avances de la ciencia y conocimiento sobre la voz . DTT es un curso único que trae nuevas definiciones y entrenamientos que no se encuentran en ningún otro lugar.
Adicionalmente, una vez completado el curso DTT, los graduados tendrán la oportunidad de participar en el foro de la clase donde se compartirán actualizaciones y contenido sobre el cual los profesores podrán interactuar y colaborar.
The lecture portion of the Course covers the science and art behind Vocal Distortions. You will learn about the different types and how to do them safely, discuss voice physiology, as well as cover myths, practical uses, and more.
Las conferencia del Curso cubren la parte científica y el artística detrás de Distorsiones Vocales. Aprenderás sobre los diferentes tipos de Distorsiones Vocales y su ejecución de forma segura, se tratará sobre la fisiología de la voz, así como también se cubrirá acerca de mitos, usos prácticos y demás.
In the ear training portion of the Course you will develop your auditory skills and the ability to recognize and identify the various types of Distortion in singing or speaking.
En la parte de Entrenamiento Auditivo del Curso desarrollarás tus habilidades auditivas para ser capaz de reconocer e identificar los diversos tipos de Distorsiones en el canto o el habla.
In the Role Play portion of the Course you will teach and be taught by the other students in the Course. This experience will provide immediate feedback and practical application as you learn to teach and also execute the Distortions.
En la parte de Juego de Roles del Curso enseñarás y serás estudiante con tus compañeros del Curso. Esta experiencia proporcionará retroalimentación inmediata y aplicación práctica a medida que aprendas a enseñar y también ejecutar las distorsiones vocales .
The Question & Answer sessions throughout the Course will give you the opportunity to discuss what you’re learning with Nicolás as well as hear other students’ questions and learn from their thought processes.
Las sesiones de preguntas y respuestas a lo largo del curso le darán la oportunidad de discutir lo que está aprendiendo con Nicolás, así como escuchar las preguntas de otros estudiantes y aprender de sus procesos de aprendizaje.
Nicolás Hormazábal is a teacher of Vocal Distortions and Extreme Vocals with an emphasis on Rock and Metal styles. A pioneer in teaching vocal distortions in Chile, he has trained many singers of the South American metal scene. He is also a graduate of the NYVC Voice Teacher Training & Certification program.
Nicolás' research has been published in the Journal of Voice and he is currently working on more projects that focus on vocal distortions.
In the last few years, Nicolás' work has attracted the attention of institutions and universities. This has led to collaborations and exhibitions at an international level, including presenting at conferences such as The Voice Foundation and PAVA, among others.
Nicolás has a "student" mindset and this desire to be constantly learning keeps him updated and informed on the latest information about Distortions. His goal is always to provide a great learning experience for his students and equip them with the tools, information, and strategies they need to achieve Vocal Distortion in a healthy and sustainable way.
Nicolás Hormazábal es un profesor de Distorsiones Vocales y Voces extremas con énfasis en Rock y Metal y sus subgéneros. Es un pionero en la enseñanza de Distorsiones Vocales en Chile , ha entrenado a muchos cantantes de la escena Metal Sudamericana. Además también es graduado del programa Voice Teacher Training & Certification de NYVC
La investigación de Nicolás ha sido publicada en The Journal of Voice y actualmente Nicolás se encuentra trabajando en más proyectos enfocados en Distorsiones Vocales
En los últimos años el trabajo de Nicolás ha llamado la atención de instituciones y universidades. Lo que ha dado lugar a colaboraciones y exhibiciones a nivel internacional, incluyendo conferencias en The Voice Foundation, PAVA, entre otras
Nicolás tiene una mentalidad de “estudiante” con el deseo de mantenerse constantemente aprendiendo y actualizándose acerca de la información más reciente acerca de distorsiones. Su objetivo es siempre entregar a sus estudiantes una gran experiencia de aprendizaje, entregándoles las herramientas, información y estrategias necesarias para poder lograr ejecutar Distorsiones Vocales en una forma saludable.
Nicolas helped me unlock that beast we hold inside without ripping my cords apart, amazing coach!
Youtuber +197K Subs
Nicolás is an excellent professional and very talented singer. He dedicates all his energy to teach what his students need in a personalized way. Always with joy and good vibes.
Nico Borie Singer (Parasyche)
Youtuber + 1,4M Subs
Last year my vocal adventure with Nicolás Hormazábal began. I made an appointment with him for a lesson because I had a huge and difficult challenge ahead of me. In a month I had to learn to sing a Nirvana song with a distorted voice. I had never done this before and after my first lesson with Nicolás I sang distortion. After a month of practicing and working with him I made huge progress and managed to get to the next stage of The Voice of Poland program with this song. Nicolás took great care of my voice and guided it in a healthy and safe way.
I participated in lessons taught by many different teachers - lessons ended with varying results, sometimes even a sore throat. After a lesson with Nicolás my voice was in greatshape. I felt taken care of and comfortable even though it was an extreme singing technique.
I think he is a very good didactic with geat knowledge, passion, and talent for teaching. In addition he is a great singer who certainly motivates his students to continue working on their voice. We have stayed in touch so far and I can wholeheartedly recommend him as a wonderful singing teacher
Karolina Mirek
Singer The Voice of Poland 2021
Nico’s innovative approach to extreme vocal sounds is not only fascinating but practical. He’s a master of this important modern vocal pedagogy!
Lisa Popeil
Voice Teacher/Researcher
While we welcome anyone who is truly passionate about studying vocal distortion and how to teach it, most participants have at least a few years of private vocal studies; an extensive background in music, theatre, speech, speech pathology; a university music degree; or significant experience as a professional musician. While we have had a few participants who were exceptions to this, to get the most out of the course, we strongly recommend taking the 50-Hour NYVC Voice Teacher Training Course or taking substantial voice lessons to ensure a high degree of control over your vocal registers and vocal qualities.
Using the correct technique does not cause voice damage. We recommend using these techniques not only as a physiological resource, but also as a tool to improve control, proprioception and understanding of your own voice and students’ voices.
No, vocal distortions are a "game changer" for singers of any style. You can find them in singers like Michael Jackson, Christina Aguilera, Louis Armstrong, Bruno Mars, Among countless other CCM singers.
VDTT It is a unique course in that it brings with it the latest information in terms of research conducted by Mr. Hormazábal. Additionally, once completing the VDTT, course alumni will have the opportunity to participate in a class Forum where updates and content are released and teachers can converse and collaborate.
Usando la técnica correcta no deberían producirse daños en la voz. Es más nosotros recomendamos el uso de estas técnicas no solo como un recurso interpretativo, sino también como una herramienta para mejorar el control, proposepción y entendimiento de tu voz
No, las distorsiones vocales son un “game changer” para los cantantes de cualquier estilo. Las puedes encontrar en cantantes como Michael Jackson, Christina Aguilera, Louis Armstrong, Bruno Mars, Entre una infinidad de cantantes más de CCM
VDTT Es un curso único y vanguardista en su especie y trae consigo lo último en términos de investigación realizada por el profesor Nicolás Hormazábal, además una vez enrolado en el curso tendrás la posibilidad de estar en constante actualización a través de nuestro foro de graduados
Thank you for your interest in enrolling in the NYVC Voice Teacher Training & Certification! Please note that available slots in each semester are limited. Please be sure to complete the following application form in its entirety and in detail. All fields are required unless indicated otherwise. Thank you!
Thank you for your interest in enrolling in the Vocal Distortion Teacher Training. Please note that available slots in each semester are limited. Be sure to complete the following application form in its entirety and in detail. All fields are required unless indicated otherwise. Thank you!
Thank you for your interest in enrolling in the Foundations of Music Theory course. Please note that available slots in each semester are limited. Be sure to complete the following application form in its entirety and in detail. All fields are required unless indicated otherwise. Thank you!