1. What is your greatest passion or joy as a singer, voice teacher, or vocal professional? For me, it has always been about the people I work with - as singer and coach. Sharing the passion of singing, writing and performing songs, telling stories, helping one another. Especially as a coach, I love to be a companion on other singers’ vocal journey. It makes me genuinely happy to see others progress with theirs voices, their art and their growing as a person. 2. Please tell us the latest news about you, your studio, and your work. After the Covid stage hiatus for so many singers, I had the opportunity to prepare quite a lot singers for getting back on stage, touring, studio etc. Seeing them succeed after a period of self-doubt and getting back on the horse… that was so rewarding to see and hear. 3. What is an interesting or funny fact about you? While studying singing, I also took classes in psychology, neurology and learning theory. Fun fact: My fist attempt as a grown up was working in a bank… if you can’t picture me as a bank clerk, you are absolutely right… I was young and didn’t have the courage to rely on music. 4. What led you to the NYVC Voice Teacher Training & Certification Program? I had been in contact with Justin years ago, discussing all sorts of voice- and teaching-related stuff and when I discovered the NYVC Voice Teacher Training. And I instantly knew - this is it! 5. What was your experience in the NYVC Voice Teacher Training & Certification Program? Although I knew many aspects of singing physiology and didactics, I loved how the Teacher Training brought it all together and helped me in terms of structure and strategies. 6. What advice would you give to future participants of the Program? Don’t just consume the presentations - participate, re-think your current concepts and be aware of your personal biases. 7. What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced as an artist, teacher, or vocal professional? I have always tried to step out of my own comfort-zone - as a singer and as a vocal coach; so challenges are nothing new to me. But - the biggest challenge so far was the business part of it. Selling it… instead of considering myself an imposter. 8. What was your greatest victory ever as an artist, teacher, or vocal professional? Earning the trust of singing students. Especially when they are singers of famous bands. For these singers, there is a lot at stake and for me it is the highest form of reward to see them trusting in me. 9. What is one piece of advice that you would love all singers to know? ALWAYS keep in touch with the joy of singing; besides all vocal technique - keep telling stories, keep enjoying your art! 10. What is something you've learned on your journey that you would love other vocal professionals to know? Working on ones voice requires trust. So don’t be as much of a teacher. In many cases, a strong hierarchy is just a teacher’s own insecurity. Try to be more of a counsellor, a training-partner, a friend. 11. How can we find out more about you and your work? Check my website, my online-classes or come visit me in my studio for a cappuccino or tea :) |