What is your greatest passion or joy as a singer, voice teacher, or vocal professional?
My greatest passion as a voice teacher and vocal professional is helping my students discover their true gift of singing and then giving them the tools to unlock their full potential.
Tell us the latest news about you, your studio, and your work!
I am very fortunate as a retired choral music educator, to continue my work with young people teaching private voice at Carmel High School, the largest high school in Indiana. I currently have over 30 students I teach in person during the school day. I also have some students taking private lessons online.
What is an interesting or funny fact about you?
I didn’t start singing until I was a sophomore in college. I was always the accompanist for the middle school and high school choirs. I was told by my own family I couldn’t sing! I never dreamed of pursing voice, until the dean of music at my university looked me in the eyes and said, “You’re going to be a music teacher. You’re going to teach vocal music”. The rest is history! From there, I developed a passion for the voice and taught vocal music for 33 years at the high school level. My choirs were locally and nationally recognized for their outstanding vocal production winning over 70 grand champion awards at various competitions.
What led you to the NYVC Voice Teacher Training & Certification Program?
As I was nearing my retirement from teaching vocal music in the public schools, I began reflecting on how I might continue working with young people, stay connected and still be involved with music. I’ve always had a desire to know more about the voice and how to train singers in multiple styles. I stumbled upon Justin Stoney and the NYVC while trying to find professional voice teachers who specialize in vocal pedagogy and multiple styles of singing. I had no idea that Justin was not only a phenomenal voice teacher, but also a teacher of teachers! After a phone interview with Justin I was accepted in the two week intensive course. I learned so much from this experience, I could not stop there. That first incredible experience led me to taking the full 60 hour course and then the advance two week intensive course.
What was your experience in the NYVC Voice Teacher Training & Certification Program?
Pure joy! My experience with NYVC was nothing less than amazing. As I mentioned earlier, after the first two-week intensive course with Justin, I was just starting to unfold many new techniques in teaching the voice. In his full 60 hour course, Justin helped me unlock a whole new palate of tools in which to develop and train singers in multiple styles. Under his tutelage I discovered many new and innovative techniques in developing the voice to its full potential. Justin’s passion and joy for teaching the voice gave me a renewed vision and passion for my own teaching.
What advice would you give to future participants of the Program?
Go all the way! Allow yourself to be immersed in all of the various vocal techniques NYVC has to offer. You will truly be transformed as a voice teacher by the incredible knowledge and passion Justin has to offer. It has literally been life and career changing for me. I know it can be for you as well.
What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced as an artist, teacher, or vocal professional?
As a teacher and vocal professional, my biggest challenge is not knowing all the answers! I want to help all of my singers regardless of where they are on their journey. Sometimes, I just don’t have the answers. But the great thing, is with the NYVC chat line, I have a whole host of incredible vocal technicians along with Justin Stoney to help navigate through those unique challenges.
What was your greatest victory ever as an artist, teacher, or vocal professional?
Well, as a music educator, I never imagined I would ever be a vocal technician with an award-winning high school choral program winning multiple awards in vocal production at various competitions locally, state and nationally. I also never envisioned myself as a successful private voice teacher, as this was something I was not as confident in until I met Justin Stoney and went through his amazing teacher training program. I have been truly blessed with the gifts I have been given.
What is one piece of advice that you would love all singers to know?
Never say “I can’t”. Anything is possible with the voice. Until you allow yourself to be totally vulnerable to all the possibilities with your voice, you can’t fully unlock your potential. Be open to all that your voice has to offer!
What is something you've learned on your journey that you would love other vocal professionals to know?
Be open to all the vocal techniques out there. Until I met Justin, and his amazing program, I thought there was only one path to training the voice.
How can we find out more about you and your work?
I can be reached at jpwarrangements@gmail.com. I don’t have a website yet. I am working on that, it will be here in the future.