1. What is your greatest passion or joy as a singer, voice teacher, or vocal professional?
The most exhilarating moment for me when teaching voice concepts and technique is reaching that moment when my students find their gift - when the light bulb goes off, and all their effort and hard work starts to show the results they have been striving for. I love helping you along your journey; encouraging and supporting you as you discover and sculpt your unique voice! I love expanding knowledge on the musical world, and diving deep into the science of why we make sound and how we can control it! What I like about teaching is that we never stop learning!
1. 歌手、声楽教師、声楽家として、あなたが最も情熱を注いでいること、あるいは幸せを感じることは何ですか?(1つだけ、または3つすべてについてお聞かせください!)。
2. Tell us the latest news about you, your studio, and your work!
The past few years, I have strictly been teaching online. In 2023, I am returning to in-person lessons while continuing to have an online presence. Combining both worlds has been a convenient way to maximize my services and to reach more students.
2. あなた、あなたのスタジオ、そしてあなたの作品についての最新情報を教えてください。(スタジオのニュース、研究、声について学んだ新しいこと、生徒との指導の勝利など、何でも結構です!)
3. What is an interesting or funny fact about you?
I’m one of the original grobanites from well over 20 years ago; before the fan club was initiated!
3. あなたについて、面白いことや興味深いことは何ですか?
私は20年以上前、ファンクラブが発足する前のオリジナル・グローバナイト(Josh Grobanの大ファン)です。
4. What led you to the NYVC Voice Teacher Training & Certification Program?
I am a long-time follower of Justin Stoney’s youtube videos, and had specific questions that I wanted to explore. When I went looking for a way to contact him, I discovered that I could train with him directly! He was even willing to take me on even though I am on the complete opposite side of the world. It has been the best investment I ever made for my teaching career.
4. NYVC Voice Teacher Training & Certification Programを受講されたきっかけは何ですか?
私はJustin Stoneyのyoutubeビデオの長年のフォロワーで、具体的な疑問があり、それを解決したいと思っていました。彼とコンタクトを取る方法を探していたところ、彼と直接トレーニングができることを発見しました。私は地球の反対側にいますが、彼は快く引き受けてくれました。私の教師としてのキャリアにとって、最高の投資となりました!
5. What was your experience in the NYVC Voice Teacher Training & Certification Program?
My experience with the NYVC Voice Teacher Training & Certification Program was all positive! Because I was zooming in from Japan while Justin was teaching in New York, my sessions were very late nights/early mornings, but it was always worth it! The homework assignments were engaging and interesting, and I spent so many hours offline diving into the material. The course content is so helpful because it not only allows you to build upon the exercises you have been using with your students, but also gives you new ways to look at your already existing practice.
5. NYVC Voice Teacher Training & Certification Programでの体験はどうでしたか?
NYVC Voice Teacher Training & Certification Programでの経験は、すべてポジティブなものでした。ジャスティンがニューヨークで教えている間、私は日本からZoom inでログインしていたため、セッションはかなり深夜から早朝にかけて行われましたが、いつもその甲斐がありました! 宿題は魅力的で面白く、オフラインで何時間も教材に潜り込みました。このコースの内容は、今まで生徒と行ってきた練習をさらに発展させるだけでなく、すでに行っている練習に新しい見方を与えてくれるので、とても役に立ちます。
6. What advice would you give to future participants of the Program?
I would advise future participants of this Program to come with an open mind, and be ready to join a wonderful community of fun educators! The Program will reinforce the things you know about Voice Science and are doing well as an educator, as well as give you ideas for positive changes you can make to better your teaching practice and students.
6. これから参加される方へのアドバイスをお願いします。
7. What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced as an artist, teacher, or vocal professional?
The biggest challenge I face as a Voice Teacher in Japan is bringing new techniques to a culture that likes to hold on to its traditions. Encouraging individuality in a society that cultivates conformity is not easy, and doing it on top of a language barrier can be difficult at times. But I’m here because the community asked me to be, which means there is a desire for the industry to change, and I am proud to be a part of that growth and transformation.
7. アーティスト、教師、声楽家として直面した最大の困難は何ですか?
8. What was your greatest victory ever as an artist, teacher, or vocal professional?
My greatest achievements as an educator are always when my students find their voice; when they develop their own style and grow the confidence to proudly own it.
I also treasure the moments when I gain the trust of professional performers. When they choose me as their trainer, keep coming back, and recommend me to their colleagues is when I feel the most fulfilled and defined as a teacher.
8. アーティスト、教師、声楽家として、これまでで最高の勝利は何でしたか?
9. What is one piece of advice that you would love all singers to know?
If I teach anyone anything, I want you to know that your voice is YOURS, so appreciate that no one sounds like you. Admiring and taking inspiration from others is encouraged, but trying to carbon-copy someone else is a dead-end. Take the time to discover and love what makes your voice distinct, and then share that uniqueness with the world, not for the accolades, but because your spirit won’t let you do anything else.
9. すべてのシンガーに知っておいてほしいアドバイスは何ですか?
10. What is something you've learned on your journey that you would love other vocal professionals to know?
In my professional career as a Voice Teacher, I have met so many wonderful educators and colleagues. Each of us have our own unique instruction to give, and we should be happy that our students are seeking out different avenues to train their voice. There is no one 'right' way to teach voice, or to use our voice. That fact is not stressed enough. Teachers are always learning, too, and our purpose is to use what we learn to support the student on their personal vocal journey; to achieve THEIR goals, not ours.
10. あなたがこれまで歩んできた道のりで学んだことで、他の声楽家にもぜひ知っておいてほしいことは何ですか?
11. How can we find out more about you and your work?
You can find anything you want to know about me or International Stage Academy, and sign up for lessons, all at stagejapan.com! See you there!
11. あなたやあなたの仕事についてもっと知るにはどうしたらいいですか?
私やインターナショナルステージアカデミーについて知りたいことは何でも、stagejapan.comで見つけることができますし、レッスンの申し込みもできますよ! それではまた!