What is your greatest passion or joy as a singer, voice teacher, or vocal professional?
My greatest joy as a singer derives from being a trusting recipient of the healing, redemptive, and heart-transforming effects of singing. Singing has and continues to set me free to become who I truly am. I am passionate about communicating authentically with my voice and conveying externally what is true internally through the powerful mediums of artistry and song.
As a voice teacher, my greatest joy is to minister to the hearts of precious people I have the honor of encountering. I am passionate about being a vessel for those same healing, redemptive and transformative effects of singing that prospered me to affect other hearts.
As a vocal professional, I enjoy and thrive from continuously growing in the connected crafts of singing, performing, teaching, creating, writing, recording and producing music.
Please tell us the latest news about you, your studio, and your work!
I am currently recording and producing my 6th record. Every song is intended to be strong in dramatic storytelling with the voice. Some songs on it are my joyful explorations with making all kinds of new, organic, raw sounds especially in the areas of percussion and backup vocals. Other songs are cherished collaborations with some awesome musicians and there are a lot of cello and double bass sounds on this record. My 17 year old son who is a very accomplished guitarist is also going to play on this record and it is a marvel that I get to work with him. I am constantly motivated in the creation of this record because I get to work with and learn from some great masters, including the legendary Reed Black who is producing this album, and of course my man Justin Stoney who has journeyed with me all this time to birth, nurture and authenticate the voice within me.
I have come to such a point of growth and evolution with how I use my voice that there is no stopping or turning back. My calling is to keep reaching for the skies when it comes to excelling in my artistry. The added bonus is I really enjoy every darn moment of it.
What is an interesting or funny fact about you?
I have a pretty well developed flageolet register (thanks to Justin) and I have to say I make a really good and laughable impression of a squeaky, mousey munchkin…. Oh and since we’re on this topic, I may as well throw it in that my low-larynx-dopey-voice impressions are quite the giggle generator too.
What led you to the NYVC Voice Teacher Training & Certification Program?
I had my voice lessons with Justin for the first time in the fall of 2014 and he was very persuasive. He’s a good salesman- ha! … and the best mentor one could ever hope for.
What was your experience in the NYVC Voice Teacher Training & Certification Program?
It was absolutely mind-blowing because revelation after revelation came in generous serving sizes at every session I attended. These revelations were multifarious in coverage : accurately scientific, revolutionary in principles and spiritually uplifting.
I did VTT in the winter of 2014 and I remember fondly that there were just 5 of us in the program at the time and we would all be cozily squeezed onto one couch in a tiny room at the old NYVC studio with everyone holding the same identical giant purple folder and a cup of coffee. We would be squashed together elbow to elbow as Justin fed us with his precious teachings. Those were the glorious days.
What advice would you give to future participants of the Program?
Do it! Don’t overthink it. Don’t only factor in how the program will serve you materially or practically after it is completed as part of your decision-making process. You will learn as a singer, increase in knowledge and gain in revelation. You will come to appreciate the miracle that you are as a joyful noise-maker. This is priceless. You will grow. Period.
What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced as an artist, teacher, or vocal professional?
Learning this tough and long-drawn lesson : being a joyful artist MUST entail my separation from the enterprise of seeking the approval or good opinion of others. I must live with the understanding that I’m NOT doing what I’m doing to please worldly standards, seem politically correct or meaninglessly adhere to tradition. I’m expressing myself in the name of freedom as a commitment to truth, rather than to gain worldly attention or be painfully enslaved to self-promotion. It took many years to be free of this bondage. But I’m pleased to say I’m in a great place now.
What was your greatest victory ever as an artist, teacher, or vocal professional?
Becoming fearless and free to be my true, authentic self. And this is still happening! It's amazing how infinite the journey of self-discovery is.
What is one piece of advice that you would love all singers to know?
Sing because of your primal need to connect with your soul. Sing even if you don't have a career of it. Sing even if you can’t make money from it. Sing even if you don't have an audience who cares to listen. Just keep singing and make your enjoyment of it your number one reason for doing it, and that is what will make you better and better without you even knowing it because you will just keep doing it… and you become so special and so good at singing because you’re like no one else! The practical provisions, the audience or the money will come when you get so enamored of your craft and when you don’t care about those other things.
What is something you've learned on your journey that you would love other vocal professionals to know?
This is what I learned about myself from my singing journey that I want to share with you: You are precious as a person… every part of you… your identity, your dispositions, your sufferings, challenges, disappointments, your joys, your dreams, your breakthroughs. Singing draws that deep connection between your inner life…ALL these parts of your person and your voice. And in that connection, one is TRULY ALIVE. Singing roots you in the preciousness of that present, living moment. All the wounds and brokenness that you have, fail to dictate your authentic self because in singing, that awareness of being truly alive overwhelms you with Joy.
How can we find out more about you and your work?
I warmly invite you to visit http://www.genevievetohmusic.com/ where you can find links to my music, my story, glimpses into my teaching life via client testimonials, performance dates, and more.
You can also directly contact me at pensivegenevieve@gmail.com if you wish to connect in a more personal way - I would so love that!