What is your greatest passion or joy as a singer, voice teacher, or vocal professional?
As a singer myself, I love sharing a moment of connection where words or conversation alone may not suffice. There is so much that can be communicated through song - and sharing that is such a moving experience.
As a teacher, I think I'm most passionate about helping students feel okay with who they are, and where they are in the world. Music just happens to be the avenue I have chosen to accomplish that.
And as a professional, I simply love having exemplary vocal techniques that give real results, and encourage confidence in singers. Having the knowledge to actually help a singer achieve the sound they are looking for, is so rewarding. It's not a lot of "try this or that," but specific, targeted tips and tools that get immediate results.
Tell us the latest news about you, your studio, and your work!
Well, recently, I've become a children's author. I write story-songbooks centered around family connections. Each of my books contain sheet music, so families can read, sing, uke, or piano the books together, for a real moment of family connectedness. I love finding creative ways to inspire families to communicate and foster loving, supportive space for each other. Music is surely an excellent avenue for it! Kids learn and respond especially well to music. You can learn about my books on FB at Regina Noel Downing Author.
What is an interesting or funny fact about you?
I always joke that I'm one of the most boring people you'll meet. I enjoy my alone time. I like to exercise (especially weight training), I like learning about health and nutrition, and I enjoy doing "mom things" in my off time (baking, cleaning, hanging with the fam). Perhaps one interesting thing is that I'm a huge Mr. Rogers fan! I fashion many of my teaching and life philosophies off of his work, and have a lot of Mr. Rogers memorabilia: Mr. Rogers coffee mugs (3 to be exact), socks that have Mr. Rogers on them, notepads in the studio that feature him and his puppets, and many books about his life and words of wisdom. I love his message, "I like you, just the way you are," and his extraordinary use of music and media to share that message. I really believe that that simple statement is the best foundation for any relationship, and anything you want to learn. Learning is easiest when we feel safe and secure with who we are.
What led you to the NYVC Voice Teacher Training & Certification Program?
When I began teaching voice over a decade ago, I realized that though I knew how to sing, I didn't really know how to teach someone to sing. This is in spite of my BA in music. It was a different time when I was a college student, and vocal pedagogy was limited. I struggled with some unusual issues with a couple students, and began my own research to find solutions. That's when I came across Justin's Voice Lessons to the World Series. I found the exact issues I was hearing in my students, and real techniques to address them!
Not long after that, I decided to audition for The Voice. I looked into lessons at NYVC to prep me for said audition, and was able to secure a scholarship for lessons. I studied with Julie Reumert at the time, and though I didn't make it on the show, that experience lead me wondering what more I could learn from the NYVC. Enter in the Voice Teacher Training & Certification Program!
What was your experience in the NYVC Voice Teacher Training & Certification Program?
A simple "WOW" would suffice. I could not believe how much ground was covered, and quite honestly how much was missed in my undergraduate as a music major with a vocal emphasis. I was shocked at how much information was missing. And delighted to find "real answers" to the world's most burning questions on vocal pedagogy! Justin is an excellent teacher. Extremely knowledgeable, approachable, and vested in his students' success. It was as if our success - was his success. My student results became easier to come by and quicker, I had more confidence as a teacher, and my own singing just got better and better.
What advice would you give to future participants of the Program?
Just do it! If you have a chance to get in the program, go for it! Don't make excuses. I was a mom with 2 young children, and a full private studio when I did the program. It was a lot of work at the time, but not a day goes by that I'm not glad I did it.
What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced as an artist, teacher, or vocal professional?
Probably the asylum of my mind. I think that's really true for all of us! All this "stuff" that gets in our way - is all in our heads. If you want something, you just have to put your head down, and go for it. There will always be someone "better" than you, someone "worse" than you, haters and lovers, you name it. If you keep letting those things get in your way, you'll never get to where you want to be. I've had to work really hard to overcome all the crazy talk in my head to keep moving towards my dreams. I still do! But that's where the hang ups are - and the best place to start if you want to change anything.
What was your greatest victory ever as an artist, teacher, or vocal professional?
Honestly, studying with NYVC and completing the Voice Teacher Training & Certification Program. Hands down!
What is one piece of advice that you would love all singers to know?
Tame the asylum of your mind. There are all sorts of wonderful vocal tips and tricks you can learn. But they will be difficult to utilize if you haven't given yourself a little love and grace for whatever life has thrown you. Being at ease, free of tension, and comfortable with who you are in this world and what you have to offer, will open up your potential to learn all the wonderful things there are to learn about vocal pedagogy...and ultimately allow yourself to be a fully self expressed musician!
What is something you've learned on your journey that you would love other vocal professionals to know?
It's a process. Like all things. Becoming the vocalist you want, or teacher or professional, takes time and nurturing. It starts with embracing where you are, and getting that it's really a journey, with no real end (goals are good! But reaching one should just inspire another!). Every day is a chance to learn something new, build our skills, and inspire those around us. It's not a race! It's a marathon. Consistency, love, and grace, are your best friends on this journey.
How can we find out more about you and your work?
You can find me at: www.thereginanoelmusicstudio.c..., or Regina Noel Music Studio on FB and Instagram. I can also be reached at reginanoelmusicstudio@gmail.com.